False Promises, Real Fears: Why People Flee the U.S. for Canada

Thousands of asylum seekers entered Canada from the U.S.this year based both on real concerns about deportation and false reports of an easy asylum process in Canada. We examine the role of information and misinformation in decisions to cross the U.S.-Canada border.

Lydie had always wanted to live in Canada. But recently, crossing the U.S.-Canada border had become a matter of urgency.

Originally from Petion-Ville, a commune in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, the 36-year-old crossed into southern Quebec with her husband and 7-year-old son last month.

“I knew I was going to be deported [from the U.S.],” said Lydie, who didn’t give Refugees Deeply her last name for fear it would impact her pending asylum claim.


Read the whole article on News Deeply.
